
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Get ur small pic in chat box

create ur Small size pic in chat boxxx....
easy process [[fuzailahmed5]]


 Type that in chat box and get ur pic ,,,, O

Friday, March 29, 2013

Facebook tricks(↗ Bookmark me*: Create your own smiley

Facebook tricks(↗ Bookmark me*: Create your own smiley: Today's Hot Trick of fb is to get our profile pic in small size(smiley size) u might have seen this  [[poop]] in fb,,,, leave poop...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Paste this in FB chat Box

Copy n paste in chat box

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Hack Window XP

Want to hack window xp password!

Step 1-> start your computer
step 2-> continously press F8
step 3-> you will see SAFE MODE WITH COMMAND PROMT press enter on it.
Step 4-> comand prompt will open
step 5-> type "net users" (without quotas)

you will see all user names
step 6-> type "net users username *"

type real usename you see above and you want to open it.

Step 7-> Now you can change password

step 8-> Now you can access the username with your password.