
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Google SMS channel

Google SMS Channels is Google’s solution to SMS groups message broadcasting and subscription. This service enables you to get content from Google, Google partners, and all other websites and blogs with RSS support.
You can create your own channel and publish content that other users can subscribe to. You can also create groups over SMS to communicate with your friends, family, and co-workers, just like the SMS GupShup service. There are certain command for sending group messages in Google SMS Channel.
This is a free service. You don’t pay anything to send or receive messages using Google SMS Channels website. When you post a message to your channel, all the members of your channel get the message forwarded for free. Any Indian mobile number will work with this service. And you can change mobile number used with Google SMS channel anytime.
Google SMS Channel uses the normal number 9870807070, and not the premium short codes. So any SMS charge you incur is as low as you sending an SMS to your friend. There is no charge for receiving the updates.
SMS tariff charges may apply when you configure the service or publish to a channel using a mobile phone. Most of you don’t do this unless you want to start a new channel.
You can use the service on the website or via your mobile phone. You can subscribe to job and joke alerts on Google SMS channel. There are many channels in Google SMS which provides live cricket SMS alerts on your mobile for free.
You can invite mobile phone users to Google SMS channel and it allows you to view / Delete Google SMS Private Channel Members  in Google SMS channel. You can unsubscribe Google SMS channel at any time you want.

CREATE <channel name> <description>
The Channel name should be at least 8 characters long. I have created a channel for TECK.IN using the format
CREATE TECKUPDATE Updates from TECK.IN on SMS, mobile, web development, information technology, management and the internet
This creates a public channel with name TECKUPDATE.

Modify Channel

You can change the properties by using the MODIFY command as below:
  • To make the channel “private” (only allow people to subscribe by invitation by the owner) send the following SMS to 9870807070: MODIFY <channel name> PRI
  • To make a channel “public“, send the following SMS to 9870807070: MODIFY <channel name> PUB
  • To make channel publish privilege limited (only the owner can publish), send the following SMS to 9870807070: MODIFY <channel name> PRISEND
  • To allow all subscribers to publish to a channel send the following SMS to 9870807070: MODIFY <channel name> PUBSEND


To search for a channel  SMS SEARCH <keyword(s)> to 9870807070. You’ll be sent up to 3 channels matching your keyword(s) over SMS. To see more channels, you can reply MORE <keyword(s)>

Read more at TECK.IN:

Hide Fb Friends list

Hide Ur FB friends list,,, and avoid friends to add ur frnds
This is easy process
Go To Update Info>
Go to Friend> Edit> Hide ur frnds list..
Keep Visiting 

Google tip4

Know The Latest News in Google,,, In simple manner 

New Smileys

some awesome smiley code for your Fb chat.
The Above smileyCodes are here , Try it -


‎1. Go to Google search

2. Type ELGOOG

3. Click on the first lInk

4. Have Fun !!

Google Tip4

use Google As Calculator
Google Knows Every Thing

Google tip3

more Tips Will be posted soon

Thursday, January 31, 2013

GooGle Search Tip2

Google trick2
Know Time and sportd... directly
TRY now

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Google tip1

gOOgle search tip
Daily 1 tip will be posted 

Facebook Short cut

Facebook Short Cuts Keys For Google Chrome & Internet Explorer
Open Facebook

 Alt + 1 = Facebook Home 

Page Alt + 2 = Profile Page

 Alt + 3 = Friend Request List 

Alt + 4 = Latest Messages List 

Alt + M = Create NewMessage

 Alt + 5 = Notification List

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Know when ur PC was Opened

Easy process To know Who logged into ur PC
Just Go to Run>Event Viewer>

FaceBook protection

Guys These days fb hacking is more,,, Fb hacking is not difficult to hackers,,,
To Get Tips to protect Your account,,, be in Touch With this page

Monday, January 28, 2013

GooGle Search

Go to GooGle Search Type
*Google mirror open first link
*Google rainbow
*Google sphere


Dear Airtel users,

Please be alert while using your number... there r been fraudulent from the Bharathi airtel for some air tel numbers... the numbers are been swapped and recycled. once your number is swapped (Recycled) u will not get the number back..

it has been noticed many times from the airtel customer complaining that they are getting activation's for unnecessary and money gets deducted. once you call the customer care the customer care cuts your calls when u speak to them (they are afraid that the customer will tell them to refund the money) when the call gets disconnected Ur number will be automatically blocked and you will not be able to call them again. so dear airtel customers please be careful while using your numbers always do low recharge and use it or else your activation's will get started and once you start calling the customer care your number will be recycled or in other words swapped. i.e, you will not get your number back it will be banned forever... so if u wanna get saved from that please do port your number... or else try to recharge low amount only..

Choice is yours..:)

Thanks with regards,

Guys This is Awesome Way to Know Details of picfrom Fb

Just SIGNUP  in FaceBook Graph Search

Try fAcebook Graph Search,,,,, This is Awesome way to know any details of pic from fb...

  100% Useful,,, Must Learn

Any Doubts comment below... I'll show how to search from Fb,,,
Awesome Searching...

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Enable This and save ur account from Hacking

Always do Enable this
Setting>Advance setting> Privacy
Enable that,,,
U can see