
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hard disk

Here is a cool technique which hides entire hard disk drives by a simple procedure.
This is the best security tip to be employ against unauthorised users.

1) Go to Start > Run > type "diskpart".
A DOS window will appear with following description.


2) Then type "list volume"
The result will look something like one as shown below-

3) Suppose you want to hide drive E then type "select volume 3"
Then a message will appear in same window { Volume 3 is the selected volume}

4) Now type "remove letter E"
Now a message will come { Diskpart Removed the Drive letter }

sometime it requires to reboot the computer.
Diskpart will remove the letter.

Windows XP is not having capabilty to identify the unknown volume.
Your Data is now safe from unauthorised users.

To access the content of hidden Drive repeat the process mentioned above. But in 4th step

replace " remove" by "assign".
It means type "assign letter E".

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Irritated with Tool bar In gOOgle Chrome

This Tool Bar is most Irritating

Want To remove This,,,

Very Easy Process.... Go to Tools> Extensions

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Have a Facebook profile but don't access it much? Are you bound by limits? Here's a simply better way to keep in touch with your social world with our Unlimited Facebook Plan:


Have a Facebook profile but don't access it much? Are you bound by limits? Here's a simply better way to keep in touch with your social world with our Unlimited Facebook Plan:

Don't s For Your Accounts

There r some Tips To protect Your Accounts
* Ensure 'HTTP' Browsing
*Don't save passwords in Your Browser coz it may be show passwords,,
Don't save user name In Browser... 
*Delete the saved User name by Pressing 'Delete' when user name is edited
*Don't Keep Easy passwords like (mobile,roll no.,) Coz ur friends may guess easy passwords
*Hide Mobile No. and User Name and keep it in private
* Don't keep any personal info in social networks
*Don't Add UnkNown People
*Don't Use untrusted 
*Don't share any Personal Information with unknown
*Don't add Your Own Pics (Ladies)
*Don't Keep Pics Visible To public
*Don't save User name In Internet cafe... (Delete the browsing history,,,)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How to see Recent Files In windows 7

Go To Start>type Recent
you will get a folder in that folder u can see all recent thing which u had visited

Get Your profile pic in Chat Box

Get Your Profile pic in chat box

Easy method [[username]]

Note: any user  name of fb

Tips To find Fake Profile iN Fb

  1. Here the First trick is Click this (This is about Google Image Search u can find it through uploading the pic or URL of Fake Profile )
  2. Fake Profile will add many Friends 
  3. You can Know by their way of chatting 
  4. Fake profile will mainly promote their pages
Boys Please be alert of Fake Profile,.,,, The First trick in that u can mainly find the fake profiles,,,
                  Don't love & Trust Any one In Fb
                                  Keep Visiting :) 

Send Fake SMS

To send fake SMS simply login to and send free Fake sms,,, to any Network  here u need to Sign Up and u'll Get 25 free sms as Trail

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Get Power Star in Chat box

Get this in ur chat Box
Get Him in Chat BOX

Punch Your frnds,,, On FB chat Box

Copy this code paste in chat box
[[488850267812232]] [[488850257812233]] [[488850271145565]] [[488850261145566]] [[488850264478899]] 
[[488850344478891]] [[488850331145559]] [[488850334478892]] [[488850337812225]] [[488850341145558]] 
[[488850434478882]] [[488850424478883]] [[488850427812216]] [[488850421145550]] [[488850431145549]] 
[[488850494478876]] [[488850497812209]] [[488850501145542]] [[488850504478875]] [[488850507812208]] 
[[488850607812198]] [[488850611145531]] [[488850601145532]] [[488850604478865]] [[488850597812199]] 

Get exact definition of Any word in Google Search

You can get Xact meaning and definition of any word in GooGle Search,,, All u have to do is just Add 'Define' Before That word like this
Can get Details in Google search
Keep Visiting For More

Facebook tricks: Know Details about any Pic u want in google

Facebook tricks: Know Details about any Pic u want in google: If u want to know details about any pic there is a option in google to search ur Image. just Go to google image search... go to image search...